Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Be Still Before God

“Be still and know that I am God…” – Psalm 46:10a

(Please read all of Psalm 46. It is a psalm to the Chief Musician in the Temple—and a song of the Sons of Korah, a group of prominent singers in Temple worship. This psalm was in the Hebrew hymnbook. There’s even a musical notation, “a song of Alamoth,” which denotes a high clear voice [we would say for soprano or for tenor!] Is it not amazing that we have this psalm/song preserved to inspire us in the 21st century! Selah! There’s that word, that direction, at the end. Scholars are divided on what it means: Silence. Prostration. A shout of agreement in concert. Or, as we say at the end of a prayer, Amen. Grant it, Lord! So be it, Lord!)

Today, I will focus on Psalm 46:10a, although every single verse in this wonderful Psalm 46 is weighty and important. (This Psalm has been divided for easy-reference, like all of our scriptures, into chapter/verses. These divisions are a much-later characteristic of our Bible.). “Be still and know that I am God.” A command from Almighty God, to reverence Him, to still myself before Him.

“Be still and know that I am God,” He invites, He commands. I close my eyes. Be still. Be calm. Be quiet. Be at ease. I myself must do these actions, consciously, as I enter the presence of Almighty God. Then “know that I am God,” He invites me to think of the attributes of God that come to mind. I might even go down the alphabet: Almighty. Benevolent. Creator. Deliverer. Everlasting. Father, God…and my praise to Him goes on! “Be still and know that I am God!”

Oh, Almighty God! You come to even me! How incredible! How awe-inspiring. I praise You and adore You. I feel Your strength upon me and within me. I look at the first verse of Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble!” Whatever the conditions as described in this Song for the Sons of Korah, our mighty God covers them. Be still and know that He is God!

And now, Almighy God, I lay my list of persons and events to pray for before You. I call each by name. I allow the Spirit to guide my prayer. Answer according to Your holy will. I have been still before You. I know, indeed, that You are God! Selah!

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Thursday, January 28, 2010

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