Tuesday, March 30, 2010

God’s Protection and Safety

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and fortress; My God, in Him will I trust.’ ” –Psalm 91:1-2. (NKJV)
Read all of Psalm 91. Authorship of this Psalm and also Psalm 90 is attributed to Moses. Psalm 91 is a psalm of safety, declaring that protection from circumstances and situations comes from the Lord.

The psalm is a virtual catalogue of what the believer is protected from because he is “in the secret place of the Most High,” because he “abides under the shadow of the Almighty,” because the Lord is his refuge and fortress,” and “God, in whom he can trust.” Security comes from where I am and from who protects me. And look at the long list of calamities through which God protects me: hidden traps, deadly diseases, dangers by night, arrows by day, disease in the night, sickness at noon, battles with the enemy, accidents (like hitting my foot on a rock), wild animals, troubles, even the ravages of old age! (Why are diseases mentioned twice? Because these happen to our bodies [sometimes our minds, too, like paralyzing fear or deep depression, or, alas, cancer of the brain or Alzheimer’s], and we cannot function adequately for God if we are beset by diseases. They operate within our bodies, the Temple of the Living God. They distract us and deter us. We need to be healthy!

God sends his angels to watch over me (v. 11-12). Satan is very much aware of angelic guardianship over believers. He told Christ during the wilderness temptation that angels would protect Him if he would throw Himself from the pinnacle of the temple (See Matthew 4:6-7). But Jesus knew another Scripture, one that countered such a foolish suggestion by the Tempter. Basically, Jesus said we should not tempt the Lord our God.

Because I love God, as stated in Psalm 91:14, God places a strong wall of safety about me. I know God’s name. I can call on Him anytime. God will answer me. He will deliver me in trouble. He will give me long life. He will show me His salvation.

But I have a responsibility, too. I must abide in God’s presence. I must trust Him. I must rely on Him as my fortress, my refuge, “a very present help in trouble.” Selah!

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Saturday, January 30, 2010

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