Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love God—A Command

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” -Deuteronomy 6:5 (NKJV)
Not a choice to do or not to do, but a command: “Love the Lord your God.”
Moses had the challenging responsibility of leading the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage into the Promised Land, the land God was preparing for their habitation.

“Love the Lord your God,” Moses said to the people. That was a direction straight from Jehovah God. “Love God,” not idols of the nations you will encounter. Not a golden calf made in the wilderness because the people wanted an image for a diety made by their own hands, one they could see. But love God—the Great I Am, the only true and living God, the One leading, the One to be feared and held in reverence. “Love the Lord your God.” No buts, ifs, ands and maybes—but a positive allegiance, a whole-hearted devotion—love God.

How are we to love God? “With all your heart.” The heart is the center of life. The heart is believed to be the place where determination, courage, emotions and vitality originate. To love God with the heart is to honor God devotedly and with complete commitment.

“ Love God with all your soul.” The soul is the center of one’s spiritual being, dedication and purpose. The soul is not divided in loyalty but pledges to love God unconditionally. The soul is the part of a person that lives on even beyond death. To love God with the soul is to love Him eternally. There is no separation from a loving God and a loving devotee.

“Love God with all your might.” Might is the center of power, strength and ability to fight. Occasions would come when the children of Israel (and we, as well) would need to do battle for the Lord God. Such battles require might, strength, the ability to stand firmly.

Loving God is not optional. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God.” It is imperative. Love Him with heart, soul and might. When we love a person unconditionally, we want to be in that person’s presence, have fellowship, converse with, enjoy, please and esteem. Loving God involves one’s whole being.

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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