Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love Is Strong

“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it. –Song of Solomon 2:4; Song of Solomon 8:7

Controversies often arise over the meaning, symbolism and interpretation of the Song of Solomon.

On the one hand, some scholars hold that it is a love song lauding the physical beauty and delights of love in marriage. On the other hand, many hold that the book is symbolic of Christ’s love for His church, His bride, and of the church’s (the bride’s) appreciation for and return of His love.

Picture the bride, the church, escorted to a well-appointed banquet hall, elaborately decorated, and with a repast awaiting on the tables that is comparable to none seen before. “His banner over me is love.” Lavish provision has been made for the bride. But even greater than the feast and the luxurious place for the banquet is the motivation proclaimed on the banner. Love is the reason for the celebration.

Then change scenes. The rains come, floods occur, the waters rise. But no amount of water can quench or drown love. It remains steadfast though buffeted and tossed by heavy floods.

Love is strong. It endures when all else fails. It is the greatest of the three spiritual characteristics Paul the Apostle writes about in I Corinthians 13. “Love never fails.” (v. 8) “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (v. 13).

Whichever interpretation of Song of Solomon we hold, we can learn great truths about love from its pages. Whether in human love or love of the church for Christ the Lord, it should be strong, steadfast and sincere. Love is strong.

[A note: This little devotional was written early this morning, but due to a deep love situation in my life, I am not getting it sent until almost midnight. From 9:00 a. m. until 8:30 p. m., I have been at my beloved husband’s bedside. He has been quite ill this week (as well as for a long time). The love we have built over the 60+ years we have been husband and wife has been strong and steadfast—and is still strong, despite circumstances of long-term and critical illness. Right now I’m in the midst of the flood of near separation, but love is not quenched. Love is strong!]

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Sunday, February 7, 2010

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