Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Work Out Your Own Salvation with Fear and Trembling

“My dear friends, you have always obeyed God when I was with you. It is even more important that you obey now while I am away from you. Keep on working to complete your salvation with fear and trembling, because God is working in you to help you want to do and be able to do what pleases Him.” -Philippians 2:12-13 (NCV).
Taken alone and not in context, verse 13 of Philippians 2 can be a perplexing verse of scripture. We believe that salvation comes from repentance of sins and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He made the sacrifice for our sins through His death on the cross. “It is finished,” He said. Our salvation results through our sincere acceptance of His forgiveness and freedom offered freely to anyone who comes to Him in faith, believing. Assuredly, I have done that.

Why, then, am I to “work out my salvation with fear and trembling?”

Do any works grant me salvation? The idea grows more complex as I think about it.

In context, though, we begin to see that Paul is speaking to the church at Philippi. He is away from them—in prison, as a matter of fact. Here he is teaching them to CONTINUE be obedient to God and SHOW their salvation through fruits of this obedience. They are Christians in the midst of a pagan and unaccepting society. “In fear and trembling,” or with great effort to remain true and obedient to God, they are demonstrating by their different lifestyle (that is, separated from paganism and ungodliness) that they belong to God, they are obedient to God. This pleases God.

How can I do this—remain faithful to God? Be in awe of His presence and power in my life. Pray without ceasing. Seek His will and his way in all that I do. Does this not inspire “fear and trembling”? The very God of the Universe, the one who created, sustains, saves and motivates is keeping on dwelling in my heart. Certainly that inspires “fear and trembling”—a sense of His presence at all times. It’s somewhat akin to Isaiah’s vision in the Temple when he saw God “high and lifted up.” God is to keep on being reverenced and obeyed as long as my life on this earth lasts. It has nothing to do with what I, myself, must do to obtain salvation; it has everything to do with my faithfulness to God.

Today, I have seen this “fear and trembling” demonstrated. Yesterday, as I described in “My Daily Devotional Journal,” I had such a heavy, heavy heart as I heard the not-unexpected news of Grover’s worsening condition. I had been anticipating that announcement, but when it came it was like an unbearable weight.

I’ve done much praying in the last twenty-four hours. I shared my burdens with praying friends. That weight has been lifted. Am I sad? Certainly I am. But the grief does not stifle me now, weigh me down, threaten to overcome me. In its place is the wonderful assurance that both Grover and I are in the will of God. We have worked out this phase of our salvation (being saved by God even to walk through this valley) with fear and trembling
(make that awe and acceptance).

Today I have, in my mind, seen Grover borne upon the mercy and love of God. I spent over five hours beside his bed today. He, I think, was conscious of my presence. Holding his hands, I even told him I was committing Him to God’s care and released him to go to Heaven, promising Him that I would meet him there when God was ready to receive me up to glory. It was a solemn and sweet time, and I felt a great sense of deep-seated joy and victory.

Bethia Lee came today to get us signed up for Hospice again. Grover had this same service over two years ago when he had hip replacement surgery. This fine group of Christian hospice workers will help us through this period of death, dying and transition. And everyone, from the wonderful housekeeping staff to the aides, the office workers, the social services director and the Nurse Practitioner at Georgia War Veterans’ Home put their arms around me when they saw me today and told me they are praying for me. And so many people have called or e-mailed to tell me they are praying for Grover, me and the family. And I know they are. I feel the results of their prayers!

Yes! “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Keep on trusting God, regardless of circumstances! Sometimes we come to places in life that can only be approached with fear and trembling, but God is there to assuage the fear and calm our trembling! Selah!

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Thursday, January 14, 2010

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