Thursday, April 1, 2010

Four Fishermen Follow Jesus

“And immediately they left their nets and followed him.” --Mark 1:18 [Read Mark 1:16-20]

As I read the calling of Peter, Andrew, James and John in Mark 1:16-20, I was struck with the immediacy of their response to Jesus’ call, “come after me and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17).

What was the appeal Jesus had upon these young men as they labored to fish in the Sea of Galilee? Were they bored with their work and looking for something new and exciting? Was Zebedee, father of James and John, a hard task-master? Did Jesus’ call to these fishermen provide an opportunity to leave a work they would have inherited to go on an adventure?

These are speculations, of course. But looking back upon our own experiences of deciding on what paths to follow in work and allegiance to God, can we not identify with Peter, Andrew, James and John in this “immediate” decision they made?

The appeal Jesus made to them was different and riveting. Something about Jesus drew them to Him. Had they heard Jesus preach in the short time since He had begun His Galilean ministry? Whatever the circumstances, these four were willing to leave their nets and follow Him.

Nets can be representative of our old lifestyle and work before we follow Jesus, or whatever binds or limits us to yielding our life to Him. As these four did “immediately,” the old can be changed for the new. To follow Jesus to His new assignment for us means abandoning past “nets”—weights and hindrances—so that He can make us new and with a firm direction to become “fishers of men.”

Prayer: Like the example of Peter, Andrew, James and John, help us Lord to know the immediacy and importance of Your claim upon our life. May we follow You, leaving hindrances behind. Such faith is necessary to total commitment to Jesus. Amen.

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Thursday, March 4, 2010

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