Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mount Up with Wings as Eagles

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31
The eagle is our American symbol, a bird of strength, majesty and power.

We don’t see eagles frequently any more. I remember once in our travels, Grover and I were in a national park where eagles were in abundance. We were awed as we watched them soar from tree to tree and glide effortlessly through the air. What a picture of power, beauty and symmetry. Isaiah used the eagle as a symbol of the strength those who wait upon the Lord receive from Him. What we need to run the race of life will be given to us, and we shall not grow weary. When we slow our pace from running to walking, we shall not faint because the Lord will supply our needed strength. If we have not already, we should memorize this verse and make it one of our “life verses,” one we can return to again and again in our minds as a prayer, a reminder of the Lord’s presence and provision, and even more, a prodding that we must be patient and “wait upon the Lord.”

On this January 23, I am waiting to hear that my great grandson Jake has safely arrived. I thought he would come yesterday, but Elizabeth, after all, did not enter the hospital until today. And I’m still waiting to hear news of his safe arrival. Many prayers have gone up for my granddaughter and her little baby son—not only in the birthing process, a miracle within itself, but for God’s help in rearing him in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

I had a good visit with Grover today. A week and a half ago, he was very low and we thought his time had perhaps come. Since then, he has rallied and is now better. Today we “talked” much—he with his syllables and babble, characteristic of last-stage Alzheimer’s,--and I trying to interpret what he might be saying and talking to him of many things. He reached for my hand. He smiled. I treasure every minute we can visit with some degree of sharing the love that has grown for over 60 years. In all practicality, I know that each visit just might be the last. And if it is, that will be according to God’s will, and I accept that. We’ve had a wonderful life together, more so than I ever anticipated when we started out!

My friend Aurelia is in the hospital quite sick. I have prayed much for her today that God will grant healing, as well as diagnosis of just what the problem is. My cousin Cat is also ill and needs reassurance from the Lord that He is indeed with her to help her through present troubles. And for two friends who are battling leukemia, James and June, I pray that treatment and procedures will work in their favor. Last night the telethon for relief of victims of the earthquake in Haiti saw many giving for medical and other needed supplies. How I pray for those suffering, and for those who seek to give relief. We are hard-pressed to know why disasters like this occur. And then we remember that God’s Word tells us that in the latter days we will experience great calamities such as floods and earthquakes. “Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” (Matthew 24:42).

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Saturday, January 23, 2010

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