Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thanking God, Petitioning God

“ I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” –Phil. 1:4-6
Philippians ~ the “love” letter, the letter of “joy” from Paul the Apostle to the church at Philippi—and consequently to disciples everywhere. Even in our day, it is a letter of inspiration. It lauds true partnership and fellowship in the gospel, unity between Christians, joy in the Lord, and single-minded commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.

What can I as a believer learn from the verses I’ve cited above?
Thank God when you remember like-minded believers in the Lord!
I can pray for them with joy in my heart because they and I are ‘partners in the gospel.’ What an honor and privilege to serve alongside other believers!

I can thank God that He “began a good work” both in my fellow disciples and in me.
That good work has extended over the days and years of our Christianship (if there’s not such a word, I’ve just now coined it, Lord, for it expresses what I want to say!). Moreover, the good work Christ began in us will continue until the “day of Christ Jesus,” the day He comes to receive us, either individually or as a great group at the rapture, unto Himself. Thank you, Lord, that You entrusted us, human and fallible as we are, to the supreme work of sharing Your good news!

And on a petitionary note, Lord, grant these requests that we may praise You for Your answers and that those on whose behalf we ask may be blessed:

1. A work permit in Barbados for Missionary Rick Jenkins. Hurry, Lord!
2. A job for David Sunday-gar so he can have some income to go to seminary and provide a living for himself and Magdalene. Hurry, Lord!

In Jesus name, and because of my love for and trust in You!
Your servant,

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Monday, January 11, 2010

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