Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gone the Old, Everything New

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain, because all the old ways are gone. –Revelation 21:4
The Revelation was given by Christ the Lord
To John, Christian Apostle, brother, friend.
John, exiled on the Isle of Patmos, heard God:
“Write my message concerning the end.”

With symbolism and passion John penned the words
That God boldly gave in the year Ninety-Five;
And therewith the promise that all who read and heed*
Will be blessed as their faith grows and thrives.

The Son of God exalted, a victor in power reigning
Walks amidst golden lampstands dressed as the King.
Death is behind Him, eternal life before Him,
Triumphant, victorious, He rules everything.

“Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last”**
The Lord told John as he wrote to the churches.
For the Spirit will reveal the Truth we should know,
As we pray He rewards our diligent searches

For Truth that will guide in this life and the next
He gives abundant blessings and promises true;
And whatever trials beset us before the end
His presence is with us until our journey’s through.

*Rev. 1:3. **Rev. 1:17.

c Ethelene Dyer Jones; Sunday, January 10, 2010

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